The Tampa Tribune from Tampa, Florida (2024)

A FIFTEEN THE TAMPA SUNDAY TRIBUNE, SUNDAY, MAY 18, 1919 seventh and eighth gradea of the public school in honor of the senior eiasa, Tnt-y were ably assisted by the teacher, Mrs. fcdith Hunter, and outside friends. The parlors of the Presbyterian church were convened Into veritable flower gar dens, the color scheme being the colors TRIBUNE CLASSIFIED ADS. 4 1 Classified Business Directory ENTERPRISING TAMPA SHOPS AND LIVE WIRES YOU OUGHT TO KNOW AND PATRONIZE. (Arranged alphabetically that he who runs may read.) Giving the name, address and telephone number of live business houses In Tampa.

8' went to Captlva Wednesday, returning to the city today. W. F. Williams of Olga, has purchased the truck farm of Dr. (i.

E. Henry on McGregor boulevard, and will build a home at once and prepare for the corn-ins crops. Miss Sammie Hunt and Mrs. Violet Yarbrough antertained Mr. and Mrs.

Benedict with a charming picnic at Alva yesterday evening. Those attending were Airs. Isabel Ringo, O. D. Garner, Arthur Keltey Tipple and Adaline Yarbrough and Mr.

and Mrs. Benedict. Lewis Stewart who Is in the naval service stationed at Key West, 1b spending a thirty-day furlough at home, and being cordially welcomed by his many friends. Mr. Hamilton of the Hamilton.

Green Piano company, of Tampa, is registered at the Kenmore. Mrs. Daisy guillian and daughter, Mary, are spending today at Olga with Airs. Mary LiddelL Miss Minnie Gardener has returned from Alva where she looked after extensive grove Interest. Mrs.

David Ireland la spending several days at Naples. Capt. W. D. Callier has received the news of the death of his sorin-law B.

Ludlow, of Caxambas, who died while on a visit to relatives in Springfield. Ohio. Mrs. C. R.

Wade and children leave Sunday morning for Moultrie, to Join Mr. Wade who preceded them for several weeks, and to make their future home. Rev. P. Vaughn has been the guest for several days at the Bay View hotel.

Eaten island, where he njoyed the fine fishing and surf bathing. N. H. Hunter went to Punta Gorda Wednesday on a business trip. Dr.

W. S. Nash and E. D. Armisstead t'W- Mrv- i -k TWO HUNDRED ELEVEN, PUTT ST.

$5,500.00, TERMS BEST LOCATION Adjoining the beautiful home of Hon. Perry G. Wall. Easy walking distance from center of city. Seven large rooms, every convenience.

Good condition. Screened porches. of the three classes, black and gold foi the seniors, pink and green for the ighth grade, and white and green for the seventh grade. During the evening impromptu program of recitations nd music was given. Dainty refresh ments of pink and white cream and ome-made cakes were served.

Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Snelling and friends.

Miss Louise Fackert, of Ridge-wood, N. left Tuesday for their lome, going via SU John's River and he Clyde line. They are loyal Eusris falling completely in love with the place at first sight. They have bought a pretty home and expect to vturn In the early fall. Ella Johnson and mother exseet leave this week for their home in Malcolm, Iowa.

Airs. Sarah Lash and Mrs. Marv Wilde left Thursday for Henry. 111. Mr.

Fred Eberlee and famllv. left Wednesday by auto for their home In Vrion, Mich. Dr. and Mrs. J.

M. Wriarht will lea Saturday for their home In Chicago, after spending the winter at their pretty home on Washington avenue. No more popular people come to Eustte than hese. and their home Is a regular mec- ca for lovers of our door life. J.

T. Webb is quite ill at his home In the eastern part of the city. Miss Ada Chenev of KlnrsvlB. and Mrs. C.

W. Benton, of Conneant. left Wednesday for their homes. Mrs. A.

M. Herrlrk left this uir fr Jackson, to spend the summer. J. T. Burckhalter and family will move June 1 to the McClelland bungalow.

Mrs, David Hutchinson left Wednesday for White Hall. 111., for the iuitiiiuf. after spending the whiter at her home, toi iict oi vjenter street ana Magnolia avenue. Mrs. J.

J. Erwm entertained the b-Mm club Monday afternoon at her home on Orange avenue, the honor guests betnr -urn. nara -aimer ana Mrs. Delia Waterman. Dainty refreshments vera ner ved.

W. B. Merck haa hen invite at tend a meeting of the International Association of Fire Fighters, to he hekt at the Blltmore hotel in Kansas City, junw -i to aj. ir. AiercKe is chief of the Eustls' fire department.

Tom Scott, eon of Mr. and Mr. JX B. Scott, haa been promoted to the offloe of chief petty officer, as chief eleotrleisa. aboard the U.

8. a Missouri ne annual baccalaureate sermon before the graduates of the high school wiu ne aeiivered Sunday night tn, th Presbyterian church, by Rev. M. D. Fuller of Mount Dora.

Mr. and Mrs. Ci. D. JaoltM 1rr.

iv. day for Safety Harbor. Mrs. Allie Mulllein has ntnm Ann a visit to her parents in Pltharo, Qa. iMiss r.uen tsyrne has been vtettln Mips Lena Nntt In Tavarea.

in loiiowing invitations hare bean Issued: Euseis High School Ctem of Nineteen hundred and nineteen. Commencement Exercise. Friday evening. May 23. at eight-thirty o'clock.

Presbyl terian church. Class motto, 'Carry on." Class colors, black and gold. Class flower, oleander. Class roll: Madge Maxwell Frankle Maxwell, Alberta Schmidt. John H.

Davis. Fred Myers. tne Daccaiaureta sermon will be K-hvered Sunday night, by Rev. M. D.

Fuller, of Mount Dora. This win be a union service of all the churches and a beautiful mimical program witl be rendered. On Thursday night. May 23 the senior class play wTll be given at the pavilion. The graduation Exercises, on Friday, May 23.

will dose the year's aaresn win be delivered by Ir. ConradU president of the Wtom-an's College at Tallahassee. RECALLS PRISON WITH LONG I NO PARIS. May 17. Raoul Villain, after being acquitted of the oharge of murdering the socialist leader Jaures, haa rejoined his family at -A-uxerre, a town of 12.000 inhabitants, the capital of the Tonne department.

Every evening since his arrival the youths of Auxerre asem-bie In front of his reeldenoe and serenade him with rudimentary musical Instruments. Villain is said to take refuge in the paternal cellars daring the concert and to recall with regret the years he spent In the calm of Sante prison awaiting trial. Beautiful Parklik Picturesque Myrtle Cemetery Every lot. every grave eoldunder. perpetual care guarantee.

Office: Room 22 Petteway Side Phone 2636 "I Cured Myself of Tuberculosis'f Every sufferer from Weak Lungs everyone afflicted 1 tj chronto hould read this remarkable Ms-tory of a druggist, afflicted with Tuberculosis, who experimented on himself, seeking a road to health. With his simple. treatment1 any 80 Pounds cough racked, tortured person may find quick relief in a home treatment. Soothing, pleasant; anyone may use It under plain directions. Just send name and A A nn.t to ADDI- lANtn, zuei capi- tal Trust Bldg- 188 Pounds Columbus, Ohio.

I Knoxvllle, are at the Rlver-vtew, and are enjoying the tarpon fish ing to Us fullest extent. L. O. Kllpatrlck who has been with Hunter's Drug store for some months, left Wednesday ror his home in Nor folk. Va.

A. W. Reading of Chicago, who has been In Lee county for two years on ao- count of 111 health, died yesterday or tuberculosis, at the Robert E. Lee Me morial hospital. Mesdamea EL L.

Evans ana j. f. Menge are spending sometime at Hot Springs. Ark. The Christian Endeavorera of the Presbyterian Sunday school, accompanied by Mrs.

Sullivan and Rev. E. P. Vaughn, are picnlclng at Polnoianna, park this evening. Mr.

and Mrs. David Wllkina, popular in social circles, left Tuesday for the summer ra the north. Mrs. WHKina win go to New York for a visit to her moth er, Mrs. John Lagier before Joining Mrs Wilklns In Chicago.

H. L. Bonton passed through (the city yesterday on his way to his home at Marco, having been to Tampa on i business trip. Mrs. D.

S. Barland. Mies Edna Bar land and Cazie May Tutt of Orange River, were in the city yesterday shop ping ana greeting tneir irienas. Mesdamea J. Jri.

Mccora ana s. r. Stanley and Prof. Charles H. McCord, who have spent the winter at their home on the boulevard, left yesterday ror their home in Atlanta, Ga, Mis Genevieve Cooper la now the ef flcient reporter for the Fort Myers Dally Press.

Rev. F. A. Shore of Arcadia, waa In the city for his regular appointment at the Episcopal church last Sunday. A.

L. Rhodes of Tampa, waa regis tered at the Leon yesterday. Mies Kate Roberts la on a business trln to Atlanta. Ga. Mr.

and Mrs. Charles Ck Curtis and two sons, Richard and Jack, left Mon day ror tneir oia nome at oaiesDurg. in. They will spend eome time In Chicago and other places in Illinois. Mrs.

Fred Thrower and little son have returned to their home In Tampa after a pleasant visit to the family of Ralph Bnow. Miss Genevieve Cooper haa returned from a delightful stay of two weeks at the Gables, Sanibel. Richard EyeDer nas gone to Atlantic City for the summer. The American Girls met last Monday evening with Miss Kate Jeffcoat, one of their most popular members. After a business meeting, delightful refreshments were served.

Miss Bertha Wilson, trained nurse, of Chicago, who has spent the winter at the home of Mrs. F. C. Des itocners, left Monday for her home. Mrs.

William Coultis and daughter. Mlse Lillian, left Tuesday afternoon for their home in Topena, Mr. coui tis will return home later. Miss Edith Shaw, the charming lit tie granddaughter of Mr.

and Mrs. T. Shaw of the Rlverview. has return ed to her home In Birmingham, af ter a delightful stay in the city. Sergt.

Ollie Funck and wife left Bun day for their home In Lakeland after a pleasant visit to home folks and old friends. Mrs. M. E. Leake is visiting her daughter, Mrs.

Wllmer Crane at Lake land. E. W. Prince accompanied by his wife, will leave In a few days for Baltimore, where Mrs. Prince will enter a hospl tal for treatment.

Her friends hope for a speedy recovery. Mrs. Mary Benton will leave Monday for her home In Montlcello, after a stay of several weeks witn ner ne phew, S. P. Bruton.

The committees for work In the centenary movement have been organized and will canvas the city on Sunday af ternoon. Thlrty-slx men are to take part In the drive and all members of the Methodist church are requested to stay at home to receive the representa tives who will call. Lieutenant Pendergast of Atlanta, now with Sunter's Drug store. He Is accompanied by his wife, and they are located in apartments at Mrs. Corlnne Summerlln'a.

EUSTIS ETJSTIS, May 17. (Special) Mrs. J. McCall has closed her home on Center street 'and will spend the summer with her daughter in Toledo. having left for that city Tuesday.

Mrs. True W. Childs and two eons left Sunday for Kansas City, to spend the summer1 with relatives. C. A.

Childs has been in Toledo, on a business trip. Mrs. Clara Palmer and mother, Mrs. Delia Waterman left Wednesday for Jacksonville, to attend the commence ment exercises of the FloHda Military institute, irom wnicn tne lonnfr a son. Frank Palmer, will graduate.

They will sail later in the week for New York City for the sumer, expecting to return In the early fall, when Mrs. Palmer will resume her charge of Wisdom Hall. One of the lovely social events of last veek was the reception given by the POULTRY FOR SALE Buff Orpington grandslre from Sunswiek Farm. N. took first, last 2 years Madison Square, Boston, Philadelphia and Baltimore; co*ckrells $10 each or 2 pullets and 1 eockrell for J20.

T. Roebuck. Long-wood, Fla. 6-18-3t FOR EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGE Good teeth for bad ones. Apply Union Painless Dentists, 6-1-lm FOR EXCHANGE For Tampa property, 40 acres near Riverview.

209 Zack St. 5-lS-3t TO EXCHANGE; $9,500 paying 30-room hotel in Catskill Mountains, to trade for Florida realty. Trammell. Brooksvllle, Fla, 4-27-7 Sun WILL EXCHANGE dwelling house and 2 lots In Dade City, for a slightly used Ford touring car. Address "Real Estate," care Tribune.

FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Farm of ISO acres at Greenville, Madison 80 cultivated, fine improvements, bungalow, nut buildings, fine shape, want Improved property In Tampa. We also have 40 acres fine land, 10 miles out to trade for a $1,200 lot ready to build on, this Is clear of incumbrance. Apply Traders Realty 804 Zack National City Bank Bldg. FOR EXCHANGE Farm In Missouri for land near Tampa, house, furniture, automobile or Ford. What have you? Address "Missouri," care Tribune.

LOST- LOST OR STRAYED From Bartow, 2 weeks ago one English male setter, about 2 years' old, clipped this season, white with lemon color ears, answers the name "Don" Liberal reward. Z. V. Lytle, Bartow, Fla. B-15-4t LOST, STRAYED OR STOLEN WHERE ARE THESE CONCERNS? The Tribune Is anxious to know the Whereabouts of the Lake Region Lumber R.

L. Bracy, Clermont. contracted a small bill of $2.75 with this office on August 28, 1918. We would like to know Its whereabouts. F.

M. Say, formerly of Bartow, now 6344 Walnut St- Philadelphia. lert the land of sunshine and flowers owing this office $15, contracted on April 16, IMS. We will discount the bill to some of Mr. Say's relatives or friends.

We are exceedingly anxious to locate the whereabouts of the Webster Farms which formerly operated at Lakeland. For other information write Tribune. 4-12-tf LOST Last Wednesday a collie dog. Finder return to 39th St. and 6th Ave.

Cary, and receive reward. LOST Black and tan female hound. Finder return to 310 Francis Ave. and receive reward. 5-18-3t LOST 32 degree Masonic pin, either on Hyde Park-Mich.

Ave. car or Board of Health rooms. Return to 2110 Highland Aye. or Phone 72-555. LOST All my tooth troubles at Union Painless Dentists.

5-1-lm LOST Brooch with small diamond retting. Return to 1620 Franklin St, Reward. Tampa Coffee Mills. 6-18-3t LOST--Bangkok sailor hat with Keller-Murdaugh Co. Imprint in it.

Finder please I return to Tribune. 6-5-tf LOST One bay pony, white spot on fore and two white feet. Reward $10. Return to Cosmopolitan Ice Company. 6-16-3t LOST Silver card case with Initials on back; a $10 bill and some change, together with visiting cards.

Finder return to Tribune office and receive reward. 5-17-3t LOST Bathing suit, wrapped In towel, between Sunset Beach and city hall. Phone 71-858. 5-17-2t FOUND FOUND Service and quality at Union Painless Dentists. 5-1-lm FOUND Purse containing sum of money; owner may have same by proper description.

Call on Linotype Operator, Tribune Job Dept. PROFESSIONAL WM. H. JACKSON 'ATTORNEY-AT-LAW American National Bank Bldg. Phone 2349 DR.

HUGH FARRIOR DENTIST 61514 Franklin Phone 2021 (Over King's Drug Store) H. S. THRONDSEN (Graduate, Bergan, Norway) 3clentlflo Massage, Violet Ray and Spinal Treatment 111 1-2 Zack St. Phone 3145 OSTEOPATHS DRS. BERRY 514 Florida Ave.

Phone 3921 HORACE C. GORDON ATTORNEY-AT-LAW American National Bank Bldg. B. Clayton Bonfoey ARCHITECT Suit 12 Petteway Bldg. Phone 8711 REPAIRS Get your Bicycle Tlrea from mo.

I guarantee you get watlsfaction. H. OLEN FIELDING 410 Tampa St, Phone 2901 UNDERTAKERS J. L. REED Funeral Director and Embalmer 307 Marlon St.

Corner Twiggs Telephone 2269 SAFE REPAIRING Oi A -1-lTrlf OPENED AINU JS A hiS PAIRED. FRANK -J NELSON- Tamna. 1 RE- E. NELbON, lam pa. ia 1427 Franklin SL Phone Day IZ96 MEDICAL VENI VIDI VICI A TREATMENT FROM HEAD TO FEET It softens the skin and opens the pores, getting a good circulation, assisting nature in throwing off all diseases.

For dandruff and all skin diseases; thickens the hair, makes the hair soft and fluffy: colors gray hair and renders the hair perfectly clean. A treatment for headache, toothache and neuralgia; sore weak eyes, pimples, blackheads, frsckles, warts, corns on the feet; sore, tired, cold, burning, aching sweaty feet- rheumatism and stiff Joints. It is soothing and healing and makes the skin soft and beautiful, and is perfectly harmless. Venl Vidl Viol is fine for influenza and pellagra. "With a good circulation, with the pores of the skin open, disease cannot exist.

Every beat of the heart will throw off impurities. Every box guaranteed, 25 cents a box, five boxes for $1, by mail prepaid. Address R. S. Partlow, nox 344, uarapa, ma.

Sun. tf. MEDICAL Ladies, when delayed or Irregular, use Triumph Pills: always de pendable. "Relief," and particulars free. Not sold at drug stores.

Write National Medical Institute, Milwaukee, Wis. 3-23-lOSu MORPHINE Habit cured the easy way. Dr. S. D.

Miller's Home. 621 East Forsyth Jacksonville. Fla. Phone S56S. NO MORE TOOTHACHE Don't suffer.

Our1 new toothache remedy will kill the worst toothache Instantly. Price 25 cents. Steinburg Novelty St. Petersburg, Fla. 4-27-4 Sun.

EVERYBODY suffering Piles, fissures, fistula, ulceration, constipation, bleeding, Itching, write for free trial Painless Pile Cure. S. U. Tarney, Auburn. Ind.

5-ll-4Su PERSONAL $100 REWARD Ladles, our monthly compound never disappoints; safely relieves longest, most obstinate abnormal cases of suppressed menstruation in three days. Price $2. Southern Remedy Memphis, Tenn. 6-14-lm BACHELOR desires to form acquaintance of unincumbered lady of jolly disposition. No matrimonial agency.

Address care Tribune. 5-15 -5t YOUNG LADY, 21, worth $60,000 cash, city property also, would marry honorable gentleman. Mrs. Warn, 2216 Temple, Los Angeles, Cal. 6-4-4Su YOUR FUTURE FORETOLD Send dime, age, blrthdate for truthful, reliable, convincing trial reading.

Hazel Hause, Box 215, Los Angeles, Cal. 5-4-4Sun HANDSOME ORPHAN GIRL worth $150,000, would marry worthy young man. ES. Box 684, Los Angeles, Cal. 5-4-4SU WEAK LUNGS Tuberculosis (Consumption) "External application," guaranteed, new, convenient, quickest method.

Investigate. Write for free booklet. Win-gate Salvo Mfg. Ashevllle, N. C.

6-ll-4Sun GOING NORTH Younr, man wants to go north by auto latter part of May or first of June. Will pay his share. G. E. H.

R. F. 228, Arcadia, Fla. 5-ll-2Sun WANTED Everyone Invited to Wi mauma Church of God Campmeetlng from June 5th to 15. Sister Brown In charge at restaurant.

Fish, fried chicken and Poinsettla ice cream served. 5-lt-3Su IF AFFLICTED WITH DEBILITY either sex send aSc stamp to Sam B. Eccles for his circular of personal experience. Address Sam" B. Eccles.

Desk 48. Oak Knoll, Fla. CUT this out for luck: your future foretold: send dime, age, blrthdate for trial reading. Madame Zodella, Box 383, Toledo O. WILL SOME nice widower write to a lonely widow? Address care Tribune.

5-18-2t OPERATIONS for Plies unnecessary. Victory Pile Remedy cured me. Why suf fer? Here relief. Price $2, parcel post Not sold In drug stores. Home Remedy, 6519 10th Northeast.

Seattle, Wash. YOUNG LADY, 21, worth $60,000 cash, city property also, would marry honorable gentleman. Mrs. Warn, 2216 1-2 Tempi Los Angeles. Cal.

6-18-4Sun GIRLS Join our club, free and exchange letters with men, send complete personal description and your financial conditions. Correspondence Exchange Box 1386, Ft. Worth, Texas. SALOONS I BIG MONEY! Make your own whiskey and beer, containing alcohol with all the kick. Our simple process requires only few cooking utensils.

Complete information $1. Pennsylvania Brewing Company of Pittsburg. P. O. Box 291, Pittsburg, Pa.

5-18-4Sun WEAK MEN Try Magic tablets for lost vitality Sexual tmpotency. Act on both sex. Prepaid in plain wrapper $1. Welch Medicine Atlanta, Ga. STOMACH SUFFERERS Get free Sample, or send $1 for 40 B-B Stomach Powders.

Thev relieve dyspepsia. Indi gestion, heartburn, where other remedies fail. Guaranteed. Frederick Greusel, Druggist, Milford, Nebr. EVERYBODY Suffering piles, fistula, figures, ulceration, constipation, bleeding, itching, write free trial.

Painless Pile Cure. S. U. Tarney, Auburn, Ind. SELL MEXICAN Diamonds In your spare time.

Beautiful pocket sample case makes sales on sight. Have rainbow fire of genuine diamonds: fool experts. Stand tests. Write today. Mexican Diamond Importing 213 Las Cruces, New Mexico.

YOUR FUTURE TOLD Trial reading 20c; life horoscope $1. Send blrthdate. Address Prof. J. W.

Shaw, Jersey, Ark. YOUR FUTURE revealed by the stars. Send 2 dimes, name and blrthdate. Address T. E.

Pennington, Kensett, Ark. BUSINESS MAN, 33. worth $200,000 wishes to marry, D-Box 35, League, Toledo, Ohio. WANTED To know the whereaoouts of Emma Lancaster. Business proposition.

Phone 2371. WANT Party or parties who will In vest from five to ten thousand dollars with a new firm In producing motion pictures. A great chance to make big money with quick results. Have everything ready to start if desirous and capable. Will feature.

Investor in photoplays. For full particulars. Chas. Gramlich, Joy Film Miami, Fla. PERSONAL Single ladles and gentle men wishing a suitabje correspondent, try New Acquaintance Club.

Address Miss Audrey White, Sec Box 194, Kewanee, 111. MARRY AT ONCE Thousands lonely. congenial people, all ages, worth $5,000 to $350,000. seeking marriage. Big list of de scriptions sent free.

Ralph Hyde, 253a Minna San Francisco, Calif. 5-18-25 WRITE A SONG Love, mother, home childhood, patriotic, or any subject. compose music and guarantee publication Send words today. Thomas Merlin. 738 Reaper Block, Chicago.

PERSONAL rMarry; free photos, beau-Mftil lurllAn: descriptions and dlrectorv fj-- pay when married. New Plan Co. Dept. 15, Kansas CKy. Mo.

1 I 1 st 4 rrt contract price of the work, satisfactory to the Board of County Commissioners, and each bidder will be required to accom pany his bid with a certified check for the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) as a guarantee of good faith in making the said bid, BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. By WM. M. TAYLOR. Clerk.

5-11-13-15-18-20-22-25-27-29 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed bid will be received by the City Council of Dade City, Florida, up to 8 o'clock p. May 20. 1919, for the furnishing of all labor and material for placing concrete curbs along the sides of several streets estimated to be 7,380 lineal feet. Plans and specifications may be obtained from the City Clerk or from Engineer W. L.

Harwell. 225 American National Bank Building. Tampa. Fla. Certified check for $100 must accompany each bid.

The City Council reserves the right to reject all bids. W. F. CALE. 5-13-6t.

City Clerk. Dade City. Fla. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Notice Is hereby given that at 2 o'clock. p.

m. on the 16th day of June, 1919. at the office of the Superintendent of Publlo instruction of Hernando County, Florida, the Board of Public Instruction of said County will receive sealed bids for the erection of a school building in special tax school District No. 1 of said County, in accordance with plans and specifications prepared by George McKay of Ocala. Florida.

Architect for the iioara. All bids to be considered must ac companied by certified check for $760.00 as evidence of rood faith. Contractors may receive copy of the plana and specifications by applying to W. O. Lemasters, Superintendent, BrooKS-ville.

Florida, or George McKay of Ocala, Florida, and depositing the sum of $25.00, said deposit to be returned upon the re- desiverv of the plans and specification. The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. J. C. FLEMING, Chairman of the Board.

W. O. LEMASTERS, Superintendent of Public Instruction. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Notice is hereby given that at 2 o'clock, p. m.

on the 16th day of June, 1919, at the office of the Superintendent of Public In struction of Hernando County, Florida, the Board of Public Instruction of said County will receive sealed bids for the erection of a school building in special tax school District No. 7 of said County, in accordance with plans and specifications prepared by George McKay of ocala. Florida. Architect for tne oara. All bids to be considered must be ac companied by certified check for $250.00 as evidence of good faith.

Contractors may receive copy or tne plans and specifications by applying to W. O. Lemasters, Superintendent, Brooksvllle, Florida, or George McKay of Ocala. Florida, and depositing the sum of jitf.uu said deposit to be returned upon the re-dpsiverv of the plans and specifications. The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids.

J. C. flkminu. Chairman of the Board. W.

O. LEMASTERS, Superintendent of instruction. FORT MYERS TWVERS Mav 17. (Special) P. Franklin mayor of the city, left Sun-riB-ir for Tallahassee to look after the interests of Lee county In the county Aivlalnn Mr.

Mrs. F. C. Des Kocners nave returned to the city after two weeks delightful stay at Poppy cottage on Sanlbel island where Mrs. Des Roches derived much benefit.

W. L. Benedict director or tne piant hoard for this district was married on Tuesday night in Lakeland to M16S Ruck of Seffner. Rev. Louis Ensmlnger of the Baptist church, performed the ceremony, ana Mr.

ana Mrs. jseneaici left at once for Orlando to attend the Horticultural Convention. They reached the city Saturday afternoon, and are at home to their mends at tne cottag home. Mr. and Mrs.

E. E. Damkohler are occupying one or tne tjase cottages on Sanibel for several days, Mr. Joseph Mahara and family left yesterday for their new home several miles out where they Will enjoy coun try life for awhile, ri nnn.M.nn nf th. fon.Hlon Field Artillery, has 'obtained his release from service and Is visiting relatives in Fort Myers.

Mr. Donaldson Is an American who was reared in Russia, and en listed with the Canadian army early in the war He will remain in Florida Indefinitely. E. E. Edwards is in LaBelle on business.

Frederick Henderson and sister. Miss Margaret, who have been attending school at Monteverde. have returned and will spend the summer with their grandparents, Dr. and Mrs. W.

B. Winkler. Rev. F. i).

K.lng lert Tuesday morning for Atlanta, Ga, where he will Attend the Southern Baptist convention. Dr. W. S. Turner and wife have re turned to their, home at Captiva.

Dr. Turner attended the reunion at Jacksonville. While In the city they efrapped at the Carolyn. J. J.

Dinkins and wife of ''Vulfert, spent several days in the city, returning yesterday on the Gladys. The Pentagon Club met JTlday afternoon with Mrs. N. G. Stotit.

The ladles brought their sewing and busily plied their needles preparig for a ba-saar to be held later. Delightful refreshments were ser.ed coTrrtIng of a salad course. Mrs. Stout 'ras assisted by Mrs. J.

V. Parhall. Mrs. O. M.EiV?son and daughter.

Miss Esther, of vvoodrow. were shopping in the city Wednesday. Dr. and Mrs. B.

P. Matheson and little daurhter. Marguerite, are spending several days In Tampa. They made the trip by aatomobile. Mrs.

Laura Gepliart of Olga. was In the. city Tliurt-day on a shopping expedition. P. P.

Schutt. proprietor of the Bradford, is at Hot Springs, for the benefit of his health. Mr. and Mrs. W.

C. Barnes of Casa Ybel, spent several days In the city, returniner yesterday to their Island home. Miss Marparet Burleigh, county dem onstrator, left Tuesday for Sanibel, where she gave a demonstration before the civ- lo club In the preservation of eggs. She is F. of BENDER ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO.

House Wiring and Repair Work a Specialty. 1725 Seventh Ave. Office phone 3258 AUTOMOBILES BEEMAN BECK WITH COMPANY Tribune Block. Phone 3071 DECORATING GULF CITY PAINTING AND DECO- RATING CO. Phone Si2.

112 Fortune Street Electrical Contractors p. LYONS 214 Franklin Street. Phone 4S3 MATTRESS RENOVATING zoa Rome Ave. Phone 161 TAILORING WILLIAM KRUSE, THE TAILOR :03 Madison St. Phone 2754 UNDERTAKERS Funeral Drrectors and Embalmers.

Prl- jat Auto Ambulance. 815 Florida Ave Phone 3.385. VIA VI TAMBA XIAVI r.nuoiMV 610 Citizens Bank Bldg. Phone 455573-556 DENTISTS DR. R.

E. MYERS 2201 Seventh Avenue Phone 4793 PERSONAL PERSONAL Weakness In men baa. Ished In 48 hours. 808. the greatest dls- covery in science: abso mteiy checks all private weaknesses In less than two days.

808 Is different from anything you have ever heard of. Requires no effort on your part. $1 box. 108 Chemical Desk Pittsburg. Kns.

PERSONAL marriage directory, with photos and descriptions, free. Pay when married. The Exchange, Dept. 1, Kansas City. Mo.

7-lJ-Buelt! YOBACCO OR SNUFF Habit cured or no pay. $1.00 cured. Remedv sent on trial. Superba W. 60, Baltimore, GET MARRIED Best matrimonial magazine published.

Mailed free. Amerl can Distributor, Penna. 1-26-Sun. tf I IF YOU WISH a pretty and wealthy i Tim c. ior reply.

Lillian Sproul, Station Cleve land, O. 4-6-10 Sun. BROTHER Tobacco habit and Indi gestion may be quickly, inexpensively overcome with pleasant Florida root. Overcome easily without hardship or -I tx a i particulars free. H.

S. Stokes, Mohawk Florida. 4-27-7 Sun PERSONAL Marriage paner: photos: descriptions, many rich want to marry. free. H.

Jahn. St. Paul, Minn. YOUR LIFE read by Astrology Test predictions ror one year zuc, silver or stamps. Ask three questions, give age, blrthdate.

G. Niemeyer, Box 49, Mays lanoung, is. j. MUSICAL GINDLING, THE Telephone 2946. PIANO TUNER, 8-10-lmo WHY PUT OFF LONGER? We will sell you a piano on easy terms.

New pianos as low as $325.00. Also some rebuilt bar gains. Cable Piano 1317 Franklin St. any tune, instructions wun instrument. neet miistc.

nc. Ingram Auction Box 22, Wetumpka. Ala. SCOTT Pianos. Tuning, Repairing.

222 w. Lafayette. Phone 2997. 5-19-12ir- PEDF.R5EN BROS. PIANOS A iviu iin i MuivitiN rs PAIRED AND REFINISHED.

2715 FLOR- DA PHONE 72-729 4-20-1 mo IJKJibSMAlvIJNU DRESS MAKING, reasonable rates, 1604 Florida Ave. 6-14-6t MORGANS'S DRESSMAKING: Hem- stitching, rleatlmr. machine braiding, em- broidery. 101 Parker. 6-1-lm DRESSMAKING Children's dresses.

house dresses, or plain sewing. 306 Field- lng Ave. 6-18-3t MRS. W. E.

GREGORY, hemstitchina and piooting; 10c per yard for all work, 1912 Dekle Ave. Phone 73-043 6-ll-4Sun DRESS MAKING Altering and re- modeling by 2 experienced dressmakers, Phone 74-233. Rooms 5 and 6. Tremont Hotel, cor. Lafayette and Tampa Tampa, Fla.

5-17-3t We have for EXCHANGE some good farm and stock lands free fmm anv innimhpranrps that we will exchange for EQUITIES in Bungalows in Tampa. $6000 Home for $5000.00 Easy terms. Modern 8-room house on Wat- rous, screened throughout, sleep ing porches, beautiful yard, gar aeet lUSt the home yOU Want, faces SOUtn. $3500 Home in Seminole Heights Two-story home with sleeping porches, large garage, house modern in every way imme diate possession 7 rooms, a bar- r.r-y i i monthly. For quvA sales list your homes with us, we have more calls than we can supply.

B20-22 Citizens Bank Bldg. Phone 3775 Tampa, Fla I 1 i I 1 Mqt be sold. SEE US AT ONCE. AUCTION SALES DIXON, the Auctioneer 1002 Franklin St. Telephone 2720 We hold Auction Sales Every Wednesday and Saturday Send us Furniture Send us Farm Produce Send us Tools Send us Poultry Send us Any Ole Thing Send to anything you wish to sell and it will be sold to the hlsrhest bidder.

Articles for Saturday's accepted up till 12 Saturday. "Send it to Dixon" He Will Sell It and Get You the Cash EDUCATIONAL SEE SOULE Commercial Collece lor special summer rates. 6-18-3t SPANISH Soule Commercial College Mondays and Thursdays 8:00 to 9:00 p. m. Prof.

T. H. Donoughue in charge. 5-18-2t THE TAMPA. 1110 1-2 Franklin offers from now until June 15th, a six months' course In any system of SHORTHAND, for $25 enrollment Is received on "or June 1st.

Mrs. H. W. Middleton. Principal.

6-15-10t DANCING INSTRUCTIONS SKLEfT DANCES Monday nights at Castle Hall. 601 Lafayette, fine orchestra. Prof. Carpenter Invites you. Admission 50c.

Private and class lessons at the Arlington Studio, 1219 Franklin. 5-15-5t RUG CLEANERS SEMINOLE CARPET CLEANING CO. Hundreds of satisfied customers. Colors restored as new. Hand cleaning.

Rate $1.75 per 9x12. Phone 72-082. 2. Box 190' TamPa- S-4-lmo CIVIL ENGINEER fmnrovements DRAINAGE 225 American National Bank. Phone 4565 Home phone 72cS8 3-15-lmo NOTICE In the ClCcult Court.

ThlrtentH Circuit. HIMsborouah County, citizens Bank Trust Comnanv. a Com. -t" D.

P. Weeks, et al It appearing by affidavit filed In the above stated cause that D. P. Weeks and Olive R. Weeks, his wife and F.

C. Lang- tewt tne ueienaant tnerein named are non-residents of the State of Florida, and that as particularly as Is known to said affiant the said D. P. Weeks and Olive k. weens, nis wiie.

are residents or the Town of Stanford, Lincoln County, State of Kentucky, and the place of residence of the said C. Langfeldt is the Town of Ellsworth, isooies uounty. taie or juinne- sota. care of C. A.

Bird: that there is no person in the State of Florida, service of a suepoena upon wnom wouia Dina said defendants or either of them and that all of said defendants are over the age of twenty-one years; It Is therefore or- dered that said non-resident Defendants be and they are hereby required to appear to the Bill of Complaint filed in paid cause on or before Monday, the 16th day of June, A. n. 1919. otherwise the allegations of said bill will be taken as confessed by said Defendants. It is further ordered that this order be published once a week for four eonsecu- tlve weeks in the Tampa, Morning Trib une, a newspaper published In said Coun ty and State Done and ordered In Tampa, this the 9th day of May A.

D. 1919. W. P. CULBREATH, Clerk Circuit Court.


Solicitor for Complainant. State of Florida, County of Hillsborough. I hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true copy of the original ordeL of rurmcation made in said cause, I on file in my office. I Tampa, Florida. May 9th, 1M9.

W. P. CULBREATH, Clerk Circuit Court. By CLARA KING. D.

C. 5-ll-18-25-(6)-l-8. NOTICE FOR BIDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That the Board of County Commisisoners of Mana- tee County, Florida, for and in behalf I Palmetto Special Road and Bridge Distric ct In Manatee County, will at their regular meeting to be held on Monday the 2nd day of June, 1919, at the courthouse in Bradentown, Manatee Conuty, Florida, at 10 o'clock A. M.

of said day, receive and open bids for the completion of the contract of R. A. Miller on said Palmetto Special Road and Bridge District. A copy of the contract of R. A.

Miller, under Which this work Is to be let, is on file with the Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners and may be seen upon ap plication. Estimates of uncompleted work to be covered by this contract may be obtained from Charles Jl. Brown, of Sara sota. Florida. Engineer for said Special Road and Bridge District.

The contract will be let to the lowest responsible bidder, but the County Commissioners reserve the right to reject any and all bids. Th I successful bidder will be required to give bond for approximately one-third of the R. FULLER, ROCK, SAND, CEMENT Florida Representative: ALPHA PORTLAND CEMENT COMPANY WRITE, WIRE OR PHONE Delivered Prices Any Point In Florida. 408 Zack St. TAMPA Phone 2207 Timber Lands 1 6,000 acres Pine and Cypress Timber.

Ten miles north of Tampa, near Tampa Northern Railroad. Price I .00 an acre in fee. Liberal terms. Lamar Rankin 91 6 Citizens Bank Tampa, Fla. Phone 2425.

The Tampa Tribune from Tampa, Florida (2024)
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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

Phone: +6873952696715

Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.