Stamped - Chapter 5 - lucitinos (2024)

Chapter Text

Waking up in his own bed, feeling the soreness in his legs; definitely a new thing.

No, not for any sexy reason though Blitz wasn’t mad about that at all. If anything, he was glad he hadn’t f*cked it over by tossing him over his shoulder and into bed. Nope, Stolas and him had just settled to watch a movie after because he was quite drained, thrilled, but drained. Ex-wife being sh*tty and a buttload of ‘feels’ did make that make sense. Though, Stolas had decided his lap was the place to stay and well…Stolas was just tall and Blitz had lost all feelings in his legs multiple times. The fuzzy feeling, like your legs were like static on the radio and refused to feel normal for at least a good five minutes of shaking them after the numbness.

Totally worth it, though.

Even with that, it wasn’t ideal to lug himself around work with sore legs. For once, he was sitting when he didn’t have to do anything. Or just sorted through the letter mail on a chair, along with the smaller packages.

Completely and totally unaware of himself, how giddy he looked. It was an easy shift to notice on anyone who had known him for at least the day before. Blitz was not a giggly giddy guy on a regular basis for just anyone, let alone a crowd of 1; the 1 being himself.

Vassago just happened to have good eyes and ears from the back.

“Good day off I take it?” He said, joining Blitz in sorting through the mail to distribute into the PO Boxes.

“Always better when it comes outta no where,” Blitz replied casually, tossing in the mail like it was some card trick, chuckling at himself, “how ‘bout yours, huh? Bet you took it for some time with that pottery date of yours?”

He shifted in his seat. “I did try to but he is a little…dense.”


“It was a date, what we’d had. An amazing one, we are having another this Saturday. He just seems to miss a lot of what I say to flirt and compliment him. I am just pacing myself but it is hard,” Vassago explained, putting the mail in the boxes like a normal f*cking person. Not some card-playing psycho like the guy squatted next to him.

“Just keep at it, Vassago. In the end it’s all gonna be so worth it when you care for his, you know, processing abilities. I mean, sh*t, someone telling me slowly what they feel and making me feel like hot sh*t? Just get a ring on this finger, honestly,” Blitz laughed, flicking in a few more pieces of mail, having to swap two because he’d accidentally shot them into the wrong boxes.

With a light knowing hum, Vassago elbowed Blitz a little. “Sounds like someone has a someone.”

sh*t. Blitz felt himself f*cking blush. It all rushed onto him how obvious he was being without even trying to, he wasn’t exactly the type to walk around and say he was all feel-y and giddy from some other person. “I-i mean, you can put it that way. Progress with a someone that could be a…someone—“ Blitz cleared his throat, grabbing a handful of mail and beginning to sort in a more proper manner, “y’know, I just felt like wowing him. Ever feel like wowing Andre?”

“Ever since I met him.”

“Mm..I can’t say the same. When I first met him, I just thought he was cute but I just wanted to go to the doctor.”

Visibly confused, Vassago nodded like that made sense at all. “Right.”

“sh*t— uh, he works at a clinic. Whatever, point is, feelings and sh*t like this are new for me. Like— okay, what I’m trying to get on about is like…advice? So I don’t f*ck it up? I got the feelings out and I feel good about it but beyond that,” Blitz said, getting up to place mail in a higher mailbox. So what he was too short and had to go on his tippy toes to reach it? So what?

Chuckling, Vassago helped him put it inside. “I might not be the ideal person to get advice from because we are kinda in the same boat. But!” He said, placing his hands together and pointing them at Blitz, “just be yourself and be honest. Miscommunication makes everything sh*t, whether you tell him you’ve been doing pottery for 6 years or you lie about how you feel about their taste in shoes. Everything counts. I mean…for now just avoid the whole, like, pointing out a flaw or something. Not cool. But—“

“These are very particular examples, Vassago. Real life experiences of yours?”

“Respectfully, as my favourite employee—“

“—correction, your only employee.”

“Not helping your case, Blitz. But as my employee, shut the f*ck up.”

Blitz laughed, patting Vassago’s back. “So our boss-employee relationship has reached it’s peak. I will shut the f*ck up this once, just for that achievement of ours.”

Deciding only to judge him with a glance, Vassago went on. “Most importantly; just make sure you’re actually making each other happy or you’re just doomed regardless,” Vassago shrugged, getting up when the door swung open and starting his way to the till, “just keep sorting, I’ll be at the front today.”

Unsure if it was a reward of sorts or just because Vassago didn’t want to organize PO Box mail, Blitz just decided to settle for a mumbled thanks to his boss. It was fine. Besides, he figured it was the first one when Vassago had let him off work a whole 30 minutes early but claimed he’d get paid all the same as though he hadn’t left early at all.

“Looney-tooney, look who’s right on time. Even got us milkshakes,” Blitz said, shrugging and gesturing to the two vanilla milkshakes in the cupholders, his discarded sunglasses wedged between them.

Somewhat impressed, Loona got in and took her milkshake, his sunglasses promptly falling into the cupholder the shake had once been in. “Finally,” she said, taking a long sip before adjusting her chair to lean back a couple more degrees, “today’s been hell. I think teachers actually want us to hang ourselves and I might just do it.”

Deciding to not start the engine at that, he turned his head to her in the safety of his parking spot. “Pardon?”

“Next week I have like 3 tests back to back. Today, I had a test and then a pop quiz— same teacher, different class because I got so lucky. And— I’m just worn out with so much sh*t.”

“Did a teacher say something?”

Her face fell a moment, slumping down the car chair, not bothering to buckle up. “Uh…nope.”

Blitz sighed, having a feeling in his gut that she wasn’t being truthful. “Looney, you can tell me anything.”

“No teachers said sh*t.”

No, that sounded like the opposite of what she’d actually said. Clearly one had. The tone, her face and most of all the fact that she was already a third through her milkshake. Totally weird because she was a sipper, not a chugger; especially with her dear milkshakes. “How about a little gossip for gossip? You tell me about your teacher and I tell you how it went last night. Sound fair to you?”

With a scowl, Loona nodded and groaned. At least her being invested in his love life gave him some upper hand of sorts. “Fair, dad. Also— start driving. I won’t tell you dick if we’re just trapped in silence.”

Eh, that was fair too. He started up the car and began on their way, which gave him enough time to think a little about how to go about telling her. At least they hadn’t gotten all that sexy or he’d have to awkwardly avoid bringing any of that up. Without it, there wasn’t even the ability to talk about it on accident because it hadn’t happened at all.

Clicking his tongue as they got out of the school’s parking lot, Blitz began on his end of the bargain. “Stolas knows how I feel and he feels the same. The tall pile of man really liked the books. He was a lot more surprised at it then I thought he’d be but estimating on that kind of sh*t is hard anyway. Oh— I almost ran away but didn’t. Hm..that’s about all I can spill to you for now.”

“That wasn’t that juicy but whatever. Teacher called Lexi a fa*g in front of the class. I didn’t say dick after, either.”

“Same teacher that gave the test and pop quiz?”

Loona curled against the seat. “…yes.”

“f*ckin’ knew it.”

“That’s not what’s important about it.”

Blitz went wide eyed, half because of that and because he’d almost run into a person. Whoops. Well, that was a warning to that blonde ass f*cking jaywalker. “Right, right, Looney. Now, it’s scary to stand up for someone in a situation like that. I can get her fired for that, too. Uh—“

“It’s okay dad. You don’t have to fix everything in what I say. Some things don’t need it.”

Weirdly…wise of her. “She should get fired though.”

“Lexi’s mom is already on it, like, firing her hom*ophobic ass. Told her she should tell her.”

“Yeah, that teacher can f*cking burn in hell, real c*nt.” Loona gave him a look but he took it as a parenting win.

Blitz knocked at Stolas’ apartment door, only to received a ‘it’s open!’ from inside, clearly Stolas’ voice. With that, he opened the door, locking it behind himself and kicked off his sneakers. After work, after caring for Loona, after half-assed care for himself which didn’t mean much— he would usually be burnt out. But a single text from Stolas inviting him over for an evening had apparently rose him from the dead. He felt energy burn through him rather than feeling like he’d burned himself down to ashes like most long days.

Nope. 10pm, on a work night, he was hauling himself to Stolas.

He had to give it to Stolas though. Inviting him over like this 2 days after the whole fiasco was bold as sh*t.

Sliding his hood off his head, he found Stolas in the kitchen, trying to mix up some drink judging by the bottles on the counter and the two pretty glasses there with raspberries already placed at the bottom. “Making us something fancy, huh?” He said, leaning against the counter, hands curled around the edge of the marble countertop.

“Doing my best at it. I usually just go for some wine or champagne but I was wanting to make us something nice.”

“Appreciate it— hey, add an extra shot to mine?”

Stolas was already measuring the first shot to put into his metal mixer. He really had all the sh*t for this. Blitz just eyeballed it or made Fizz do it— or Moxxie if he was there. The guy ran a cafe and alcohol was just the equivalent of coffee in some way. Whatever— it made sense in his head. “Extra shot? Then I’d have to give myself another and I’m unsure if it’ll taste good if we throw off the ratio.”

“Throw off the ratio..m’kay,” Blitz squinted at Stolas, who was biting his lip, trying to bring the shot over without spilling it over the brim. His hand was a little shaky and he failed at that, though a drop or two wasn’t anything all that much though.

He opted to sit on the counter, watching Stolas in his craft. A craft he clearly did not act on much. “Then we can just throw one back before we get to having what you’re making us— looks good, by the way, Stols.”

A smile spread itself across his face in an instant at the compliment. “Thank you.”

“Damn— Don Julio, huh?” He said, eyes scanning the glass paned pantry for shot glasses. After a good while of looking, Stolas caught his eye and clearly had an idea what he was looking for and turned around, pulling two shot glasses out of a drawer. A whole classy facade his kitchen was, huh?

“I prefer it. Besides, you have mentioned you like tequila and I have two bottles so I thought, why not?” Stolas hummed, sliding the half-full bottle over to him, “don’t overfill them, you know I’m a lightweight.”

“For 7”6, it was a surprise,” Blitz said, pouring out two shots quick and easy before sliding it on back to Stolas. If he wanted to sprinkle in a little more into his concoction. Stolas was two busy sugaring the rims of the glasses, doing a mediocre job at it. Mediocre was sugarcoating it too, though.

He shrugged, standing up straight opposed from lurched prettily over the counter. “I surprise myself with it as well. Now— would you like something to eat as well? I have some leftovers from dinner, homemade ravioli with rose sauce,” he said, placing the bottles away, leaving just the glasses and shot glasses left on the countertop.

“Nah, I’m good,” he said, watching Stolas halt at the fridge, expression falling just in the slightest but Blitz noticed it easy. It was either he was hungry or he wanted Blitz to try his food. At that alone; he caved. “—actually, sure. I love ravioli.”

Perking up in an instant, Stolas, swung the fridge open and pulled out the glass container and went on over to the microwave wedged into the wall. “You will love it. I hope, at least. It isn’t often I go out of my way to make ravioli on my own, it is quite tedious work and I’m always wondering if I’ve made enough but I am proud of this batch, that I must admit,” he said, setting the timer and turning to Blitz with a smile, “and thank you for coming on such short notice.”

The moment he saw the text he was already throwing himself together and out the door before he’d even texted yes back to him. “No problem.” Nailed it.

Stolas looked back at the microwave before turning his head back Blitz’s way. “Speaking of, what would you like to watch? I was going to propose a movie but perhaps you have other ideas?”

For a moment he considered saying something snarky and sexy but immediately settled for; “Let’s watch, Dynasty.”

“Dynasty?” Stolas quirked a brow, taking out a silver fork from one of the drawers, “what’s that?”

“Just a show about rich people f*cking and stuff. It’s pretty good, I’m on season three already.”

“You’d like to start from the beginning with me?”

It was a silly little question, obviously they’d restart. Stolas would be lost starting halfway through season three and besides he just wanted to enjoy it with Stolas. He would watch it again for him, even with how far back that was. sh*t, he wanted to. He f*cking suggested it when he could’ve gone and shrugged saying ‘365 days’ as the movie choice.

Nope, he wanted to rewatch something and share it with Stolas. f*cking sh*t.

“Duh— a lotta sh*t happens so you gotta go from the top,” he said, nearly falling off the counter at the overdramatic beep of the microwave. Stolas laughed at him and took the dish out.

Quickly after a few more words, clinking shot glasses together (and throwing them back) and taking their drinks alongside the ravioli to Stolas’ couch; there was a dilemma.

How the f*ck were they supposed to sit together now? This was like…weird territory. The talking had been fine, it felt normal and a little extra flirty and Blitz felt a little more like staring at Stolas because now it wasn’t f*cking weird to him in his head. But like…were they supposed to sit and cuddle, drink and eat? Sit 6-feet-apart like Stolas didn’t wanna catch a boner from him? Or what? What were they meant to do?

Without even planting a chip in his head, Stolas ended his worries by curling up on the edge of the couch and patting the spot next to him after setting the ravioli dish on the coffee table. Blitz obliged with ease, sitting there as he took a long sip of his drink. sh*t, it was really good. “It’s really good, Stols.”

“Thank you, Blitzy. I tried my best. I hadn’t realized sugar rimming was for before pouring the contents in. Silly me.”

That explained it but it wasn’t all that ugly. It was cute because Stolas had made it.

He had the show on within two seconds of opening the TV because he had a microphone on the remote to speak into that understood him. Blitz had installed a similar thing and it apparently couldn’t decipher half of what he said and he didn’t even have a British accent. TV’s and sh*t were weird. “Do try it before we start,” Stolas said, pausing the show before the intro could even begin, “I want your opinion on it.”

“Right, sure,” he said, setting his drink down and picking up the warm ravioli dish, still in the same glassware and stuck the fork right into it before eating it.

Holy crap was it good. Not mediocre like the sugar rimming but it was like award-winning sh*t he was tasting. He was a pasta guy so he could totally be the judge of that. “Wow, Stolas. You really cook good, huh?” Blitz said dumbly, licking his lips clean before stabbing in for another.

Apparently that was another route to get Stolas blushing. Interesting. “I enjoy it. I’m glad you like my cooking.”

Though it seemed that was all he could handle, unpausing the show and quickly sipping on his drink. Still, his cheeks remained red and he was visibly biting back a smile for the first five minutes of the show.

Stolas asked a lot of questions as they watched and Blitz had a go at answering all of them. Gasping at certain moments and giggling in laughter at the characters. Occasionally his eyes would dart to Blitz getting another piece of ravioli and his entire face would heat up again. He desperately wanted to tease him for it but he was far too entertained by Stolas getting invested in the show. He wanted to do this again.

Ew. No— a little sappy. He just liked seeing Stolas, being with Stolas and watching Stolas enjoy himself.

“That house is massive,” Stolas gaped as the camera had shown the outside view of the manor, even from so far, the camera couldn’t even show off all of it.

“You know what else is massive—“ Blitz shut himself up, pressing his lips together tightly and glancing around like he was hearing voices or some sh*t, “who…ha, who said that?”

Stolas chuckled, leaning his head on top of Blitz’s, swirling his drink around. “I’m sure it is, Blitzy.”

Blitz swore on his life his voice wen two octaves deeper just to say those words. Maybe a third to say his f*cking name like that. Christ on a mother f*cking stick.

“I’m very sure of that,” Stolas said, wrapping an arm around his shoulders and pulling him closer— Blitz’s half full glass sloshing around enough that it nearly spilt out of itself if it weren’t for Blitz’s mouth catching it. Totally not an excuse to ignore his comment and how much it was affecting him.

It wasn’t like he was gonna f*ck him tonight or something, surely not when he was inching into drunk. Or no, probably was. Though that didn’t mean he couldn’t be flirty or suggestive, did it? He’d already f*cking kissed him and the feelings, as vague as they were, were in the air. There were mutual feelings deep enough to have a needy kiss, who said he couldn’t f*ck around? Well..without the f*cking, for now.

“You’ll get a chance to know it,” Blitz replied, reaching back and setting that hand at his waist instead. f*ck Stolas and his pretty ass f*cking hands that were oftentimes just so goddamn distracting. “Though your confidence in me and my dick is pretty telling.”

He flushed, shrugging a little and tightening that hand at his waist— able to feel it despite the thick fabric of his hoodie. “Mmhm, Blitzy. I have the utmost confidence in you in everything. To be quite honest, I just think you have a talent in everything. You surely proved a lot of it to me as of late. Especially with the books which I am going to get to soon,” he said, throwing back the rest of his drink a little too easily before setting it down and looking back at the show as though he hadn’t just spoken a word.

Blitz decided to leave it there, just smiling and nodding. Then, he too, finished off his drink.

Stolas rambled on as they watched, always getting pretty talkative when he was drunk. Blitz himself was often that way too but with Stolas, he liked to listen. Sure, he was commenting here and there about the bold takes on the characters while they were only two episodes in. All in good fun.

He took another piece of ravioli before offering one to Stolas. “C’mon, you gotta be big and strong, Stols.”

Rolling his eyes, Stolas retracted his hands and pointed to his mouth. “I’ll eat it, just for you, Blitzy. On one condition.”

“There’s f*ckin’ conditions for feeding ya you’re own food? Maybe you are a little entitled.”

He silenced for a moment and Blitz almost shouted sorry at him. “f*ck you but yes— I just wanted a kiss.”

The guy was annoyingly cute. “Fine, just, f*cking open your mouth.”

Eyes half-lidded, Stolas nodded and opened his mouth, “yes, daddy.”

Nope, nope. Not the time nor place. Though, the naturalness of it was a little scary to him. Or maybe he’d just found it out of one of his smutty books, they were always using that. Plus, from time to time, Blitz called himself that. Granted, it wasn’t often and it was mostly when he was doing ‘domestic’ sh*t. Like, fishing with Moxxie. He’d reel in his line and say ‘daddy’s got something’ or ‘someone ate daddy’s worm’.

Miraculously holding his composure, Blitz fed him the ravioli and stuck the fork back in it on the coffee table. Then, sat back to just watch how pretty he was doing literally anything. Drunkenly eating ravioli? Prettiest sight just because it was Stolas.

“I am chef of the year, truly. I should invite everyone over for a dinner sometime soon, I do wish to become better acquainted with Millie and Fizz’s boyfriend…” Stolas said, mumbling a good portion of his words before wiping the corners of his lips with the side of his hand, “what do you think of that?”

“Good idea.” In hindsight and he just wanted Stolas to feel good about it but like…people were gonna ask questions. So, they weren’t like…dating but they were something. Not even a situationship, but like…something. It was too much for his tipsy little brain to handle, anyway. It’d been a while since he’d had some good tequila and it was hitting well. “You’re full of good ideas, Stols. Like tonight? Great f*ckin’ idea. Good ravioli, tequila and—“

“—good company,” Stolas said, hiccuping into his fist and excusing himself a moment.

Only then did Blitz remember he owed him a kiss.

He turned around on the couch, resting his arms on top of it and watching Stolas who had migrated to the kitchen. A little wobbly, he looked around and grabbed the Don Julio bottle and took one of the shot glasses out of the sink before spotting Blitz looking at him. “Bad idea?” He was like deer in headlights.

Blitz shrugged, co*cking his head at him as he tried not to grin like some kind of fool. “Only bad if you do it all on your own, Stols. You should know I don’t wanna be left out of that sh*t, that’s for f*cking sure every time.”

“Silly me, yes.” He tripped a little taking a step to the side to reach back into the sink and pull out the other shot glass and began to poor. “Come here then. I owe you another drink and you owe me a kiss.”

That was more then enough to make him hop over the couch rather then walk around it like a normal person. He picked up his glass, Stolas doing the same and they both took it back, faces only contorting once the shot glasses were set back down. “At least we both taste like strong ass tequila,” Blitz said, wetting his lips and glancing up at Stolas who was beyond flushed in the face. He was beginning to think he either had some permanent effect or it was just the doings of alcohol. The first was preferable but the second was far more realistic.

“I don’t mind either way, Blitzy,” Stolas said, shocking Blitz as he picked him up without warning and set him on the counter. Okay…not what he’d been thinking. It’d been more of a pulling Stolas down to his level via his collar or just kissing on the couch. This was definitely an alternative.

He pushed his legs open and Stood between him, hands still on his knees though only ventured up to the bottom of his thighs by the moment Blitz held his face and kissed him. It was sloppy but, f*ck it, they weren’t fully in their heads. A sloppy kiss could feel like an Oscar winning kiss with enough liquor and this had been more than enough, especially as the last one would kick in.

Blitz let out a shameless whine into the kiss as Stolas pressed his nails into his thighs and he had to thank himself for not changing out of his jeans or there would’ve been…issues with how close Stolas was.

In some form of retaliation or feeling like a puss* for not playing around with him more, Blitz held his face a little more, deepening the kiss. It was one hell of a f*cking kiss for their second, that was for sure.

“Ugh…I wanna stay like this forever,” Stolas huffed after a minute, pulling away his but still leaned against them, “I just have a fear of Via coming down to find me entangled.”

“We’re only kissing though?”

Clicking his tongue, that seemed to convince his drunken mind and they were mouth to mouth again.

As much as he wasn’t thrilled at the prospect of seeing everyone and having to explain to them him and Stolas’ situation. But— he was damn well excited to get a little drunk with him, without kids around to worry about and just, well, f*ck around a bit. It’d edge off the nerves, too.

The night came all too quickly and Blitz was thinking a little too hard about what to wear to Ozzie’s. His house, that was. Where did the money come from? No f*cking clue and he didn’t want to ask Fizz so he just rolled with it.

“A little slu*tty is what I’m going for but thats because I have a boyfriend, who’s house we are going to so, anything is fair game,” Fizz said, almost completely out of frame on their FaceTime. Probably putting in some pair of massive earrings or topping up his blush, if not that then something similar.

“Yeah, yeah, you’ve got a boyfriend. Good for you. Not helpful, jeans or shorts?”

“Depends on the shorts.”

“If you looked at your phone you’d see the options, dumbass,” Blitz scowled, already getting bored of holding up both pairs of shorts. With that, Fizz finally showed his face again and picked up his phone, squinting at it like the grandma in disguise that the was.

“Hmm…black shorts, they’re hot. Stolas’ll like them.”

f*ck, here we go already. Rather than playing into it he just nodded and headed off camera to swap sweats for the black shorts and a white tank, deciding on a corduroy black jacket rather than the usual leather. A little different and a little lighter, too. It was a house and the only predictable outside bit was walking to and from his car.

A little wind wouldn’t kill him.

“Cute of Stolas to propose this, though. Ozzie was really f*cking eager to host, though. Hey— could you pick up, like, something sweet on your way over? I totally forgot to get something and Ozzie’s busy setting up,” he said, packing on some blush.

“I could just order something to his…actually, no. I don’t feel like paying delivery fees. Don’t worry, I’ve got it.”

“Life. Saver. Love you,” Fizz said, squinting back at the camera, “you look good.”

He waited for an insult but none came. “Thank you?”

“Don’t sound surprised. Anywho, I’m super excited. We haven’t been all of us yet in a while, especially with Millie coming in and out of town. And—“

“And your skyscraper ass boyfriend just making his re-debut into your life,” Blitz said and Fizz couldn’t say sh*t because it’d only lead to his defence of ‘you started with Stolas, I can start on Ozzie’. It was fair and the silence told him that easy.

Upon arriving at the apartment building, Stolas came right out and into his car in an instant before Blitz could even fully take in how hot he looked. For a second he thought he’d been the one going a little crazy with the tank top that, with a little slip off his shoulder, showcased his muscles perfectly. In a subtle ‘yeah I’m strong and can choke you easy’ but also not ‘I’m a show off’ type of thing. Okay, maybe he’d overthought it a little. Maybe the jacket would stay on entirely as much as he could help it.

Something about a grey-blue turtleneck and some black wide-leg slacks seemed to get him. Not to mention the gay-ass black boots with a heel that Stolas didn’t need but pulled off. As Stolas sat himself in the car, his large silver hoops swung around. “Evening, Blitzy,” he said, buckling up and pecking his cheek.

Blitz didn’t comment on it. He wanted a good evening not a ‘what are we’ rodeo.

“Evening to you too, Stols. You look hot as sh*t,” he said, flicking one of his earrings, “these are huge.”

“O-oh is it too much? I can run and swap for smaller ones, or perhaps studs—“

“They look good, I’m trying to say you look good. Relax,” Blitz chuckled, going into drive and veering into the main road again, “don’t panic like this there, no one gives a sh*t like that. Fizz literally has walked around with ping pong ball earrings, true to size, so you and your hoops are fine.”

Stolas nodded, adjusting his seat back a little to compensate for his legs. “I do have another earring in my second piercing, did you notice?” He said, tucking his hair behind his ear and tilting this head to the side.

Right there were the earrings he’d gotten him. If that wasn’t supposed to make him swoon then he didn’t know what would. That was a whole lot of feeling to feel over some earrings on another man’s ear. “Looks real good, Stols.”

The ride was a lot of Stolas rambling on to get intel on who was gonna be there. It had expanded a little out of just their friends but it was still the same circle. Mostly. Kind of. Not like some sort of house party but it was definitely seeming like it was going to be more then just a little wine and dine from what Fizz had been saying.

Then it was Stolas going on about the books Blitz had gotten him, somehow between work, Via and other things he’d gotten to reading three. Either, he didn’t sleep or he was just a fast ass reader. Blitz had been to Stolas’ and had barely gotten three chapters into the horse book, even if it was his favourite topic. For one of the books, Stolas had said it was a little anticlimactic but had read it anyway for him. Honestly, Blitz had just been on the edge of his seat wondering if any of the three were the ‘well-annotated’ smut novel he’d found. Unfortunately not but he did learn it was 5th on his list of reading. He’d set aside all other books to go through the ones Blitz had gotten him.

f*cking sap.

When they arrived Blitz had to park a few houses down and walk with Stolas, nearly throwing himself at Stolas when he saw a racoon. Stolas laughed at him, only dragging him forward by his hand and picking up the pace into a speed walk which just sent Blitz needing to run to match those lanky legs.

“Quit laughing at me! I don’t want rabies, do you?”

“No, no. You’re just cute.”

He didn’t reply, he just tried to act like he didn’t hear it because he was running along side him.

The door was already open, Moxxie standing there taking off Millie’s jacket for her.

“Y’all are actually on time, congrats. Blitz’s usually tardy,” Millie chuckled, straightening out her shirt.

“Uh-huh, nice to see you too, Mills. And I’m not tardy without reason,” he scoffed, letting go of Stolas’ hand and folding his arms.

Clicking her tongue, Millie closed the door once they were all in. “Whatever you say, Blitz. Stolas, you gotta tell me where you shop— you always look so nice,” she commented, which only left Stolas stuttering for a response, “later, don’t worry.”

Blitz held his bag a little closer, full of cookies he’d gotten from some bakery among a few other things they’d thrown in since it’d go to waste anyway. It was luck from coming in 5 minutes to close.

“You doing okay?” Blitz asked once it was just them in the doorway, Stolas was taking his time wiping of his shoes on the matt. For all he cared, Stolas could rub dirt all over Ozzie’s house. Sure, the guy had made it up to Fizz and all that but it’d make Blitz feel a little better on his own end. A little reconciling via dirty boots.

Stolas tugged a little at his turtle neck, nodding his head before setting his hand back down. “Yes, I’m okay. I just didn’t realize how many we’d be,” he said, glancing around the house. It wasn’t packed by any means but it was more then the original 4 people it was meant to be, though.

“Yeah but like— we can always leave if you need or like, whatever you need.”

“Thank you. I appreciate it but I just don’t want to ruin your time with your friends because of me.”

“What? I’m fully here for you, Stols. I care much more to sit with you if it’s too much here then talk to them about all the packages I’ve sent out this week,” he said, patting his back, “you won’t ruin sh*t.”

His shoulders lowered significantly and Stolas instead began to walk towards the kitchen, where Fizz, Ozzie and some familiar guy were laughing together.

“Hey! Ooh, love this bakery, their stuff is so good,” Fix gaped, taking the bag from Blitz and giving both him and Stolas little side hugs. Ozzie said his hello and the familiar face smiled then walked away. Okay then. “Thanks, Blitz.”

He shrugged and clicked his tongue at Ozzie. “No problem, Fizz. Nice house, Ozzie.”

“Thanks,” Ozzie replied, exchanging a look with Fizz, “hey— how about a drink, huh? To the fresh couples here. Oh— well, we should probably get Husk and Angel if we are doing that..”

Blitz stiffened. The f*cking rodeo had found them, wonderful. All that avoiding (granted it had only been maybe 30 minutes of being in Stolas’ company) was just for nothing. Boo.

Out of sheer avoidance, he said nothing. Stolas, probably out of f*cking anxiety, said nothing either. Fizz didn’t bother correcting him because he was thriving off of it and had definitely planted it in Ozzie’s head. Dick. He mouthed that at Fizz who only stuck out his tongue before getting off to Ozzie pouring them some sort of shot. He couldn’t be bothered to try and read what the unfamiliar bottle of liquor was.

Maybe it’d ease his confusion and panic.

God knew he needed it. “Cheers, guys,” Ozzie said, clinking with everyone once they’d all gotten theirs.

Fizz gagged, setting it down and wiping his lips before Ozzie was wiping them for him. “Sorry babe, I know that’s not your favourite,” he said, lowering down a little to kiss him.

“Pft, you’re good, baby,” he said, tracing a finger along his jaw before kissing him again.

“So, what sh*t stains are here, huh?”

With a complimentary eye roll, Fizz, leaned against the counter and gestured to the little crowd. “Husk and Angel, of course. Oh— and Angel’s giving Husk a lap dance, okay. Then there’s Velvette, Carmilla’s friend. She’s an influencer or something, better to stray away from any talk about it though. It’s a little much for me so it’ll be a lot much for you…” he tapped his lip, gesturing over to Moxxie and Millie, “you know those and then— well, I vaguely know the others. Charlie? I think. Girlfriend is Vaggie. Uh…I just know faces now.”

“Cherri is here too but I think she’s in the bathroom with uh…someone. Well, get comfortable. Feel free to help yourself to any food or drinks. Responsibly,” Ozzie said, eyes on Blitz at the last word.

“Oh f*ck off, Oz. We’re adults too, y’know, we can drink.”

“I know. Goes for everyone, for myself too.”

Clicking his tongue, Blitz tugged Stolas off by the arm and brought them over to Husk and Angel who had finished being horny and weird together. Angel immediately hugged him and Husk gave a small ‘hi’— Blitz was instantly reminded of a reason of why the two got together so quickly. That f*cking voice.

“Boyfriend, huh?” God f*cking dammit, could he not get a break? There were only so many times in a row he could ignore it.

“You two surely are having a good time.” Two times a charm, anyway. He was manifesting not getting a third. “I think you should be lucky that I haven’t clawed my own eyes out from that.”

Husk tugged Angel closer by the waist, grip firm on him. “You just ain’t drunk enough. Soon, you’ll be doing the same.”

Angel nodded along like that was intelligence at it’s finest. It was not.

Regardless, it was advice he wanted to take and that’s how they found themselves in the kitchen…again.

“God, you should come visit more often. Been a while, Blitz,” Angel whined as Husk and Stolas were getting to pouring out 8 shots. Yes, they were trying to see who could down both the quickest. wasn’t an excuse for any of them to get more drunk or anything. Ha, no…totally not…

“You work too f*cking far away.”

“Uh-huh, excuses. I’m sure you visit your boyfriend every day at work.”

“He isn’t—“ Blitz grunted, deciding to ignore it for the third time. Third time’s actually a charm. “He lives down the street, actually so it’s convenient. You are two buses away from me and it’s 20 minutes on a good day, I have very bad luck. I don’t wanna test it.”

Angel glanced over at Husk then back at Blitz. “Eh, fair. I’ll just come down to you so you have no way out of it then, ya little sh*t,” he said, kicking his heel at him, “think we’re gonna do some kinda game later, whoever was actually meant to be here.”

He didn’t wanna burst his bubble and tell him he wasn’t exactly on the original guest list. “Oh yeah? What kind of game?”

“Eh, not sure. Either sip or strip, truth or dare but— I’m rooting for beer pong but no f*ckin’ beer for me, sh*ts nasty. Probably like, I don’t know, some other cheap booze that doesn’t taste like ass. In, like, the bad unwiped way.”

“…Gross. Down for that though.” He wouldn’t have minded the beer but he was well aware Stolas would’ve.

Stolas made his way on over just as he crossed his mind…for the millionth time that day but he liked to think that he summoned him with it or something like that. “Doing good?”

Nodding, Stolas glanced down at the 8 somewhat evenly filled shot glasses. “Husk’s nice.”

“He sounds like jazz. Of course he’s nice.”

Giggling at that, Stolas nodded once again. He seemed a little looser, either from the one drink before or maybe that smooth voice of Husk’s did something. Whatever it was, Blitz was just glad he wasn’t loosing it yet.

There was hope for the night.

“Ha! You really were determined to get long beautiful sexy stylish hair, Blitzy,” Stolas said, twirling it in his fingers from his position halfway on Blitz’s lap. Fizz had been talking about when Blitz had gone nearly bald after a horribly done haircut and from then on out had been on a mission to never go back to that. Clearly, it’d worked.

Though he was going insane from the hair touching, trying not to purr like a cat when Stolas continued to play without throughout the conversation going around. Blitz couldn’t find a time to insert himself though, even when the topic was on him. Stolas was having a good time and he was happy for him, even if it had taken four drinks to get there. Blitz decided to cut himself off just for safety reasons. It wasn’t like he was gonna drive until tomorrow but of the night.

“Blitz? What do you think?” And he’d been totally zoned out. f*ck. Moxxie was staring right at him. sh*t, sh*t, sh*t—

Before he could even pretend he knew what was going on Stolas turned his head to him. “We were talking about this before, right? Thanksgiving would be nice altogether,” Stolas said, managing to form words without slurring and somewhat coherent in his accent. Somehow, when he was drunk, he really went full English man. Blitz was not mad at it at all, it was hot as f*ck.

“Right, right. Yeah— it would be really nice. Loona might kill me but eh, if Octavia is there, she’ll have mercy on me,” he commented, relieved at Stolas’ cut in.

“It is in a few days so it will be last minute but I think I can pull together something nice at ours,” Moxxie said, pecking Millie’s cheek who swooned like he’d just pulled up in a carriage and said ‘let’s run away to an island together’. Or something more realistic and romantic, Blitz was out of ideas.

“I can help. I am right next door anyway,” Stolas said, pouring himself a bit of wine and sitting back and sipping. He’d probably cut him off soon, judging by how heavy lidded he was getting. Sure, he wasn’t paying too much attention to anything but it was also getting late, too. They had a guest bedroom to occupy and he didn’t want Stolas to not get a good nights sleep, trying to sleep drunk with a spinning head was not as fun as it sounded and it didn’t even sound very fun.

Time ticked and ticked away, Blitz lost himself in his own head and got lucky that no one tried to pull him out of it.

Until he was being dragged by Stolas outside where a few of them had went, something about s’mores and using the cookies instead of graham crackers. Just thinking about it was giving Blitz a stomachache but Stolas was practically bouncing in excitement. He did have a bigger sweet tooth, after all.

“I’ll make you one, Stols. I can get them golden, easy,” Blitz said, deciding after a good hour of being in his head it’d do him good to get out of him. He wanted to spend time with Stolas, more then just letting him use him as a chair and touch his hair.

Lighting up in excitement, Stolas did little claps as they sat down at the two u-shaped couches by the fire. Ozzie had money to spend. “Oh that is so darling of you, Blitzy! Everyone, Blitzy is making me s’more, isn’t that romantic?” He batted his eyelashes, clasping his hands together and squishing them against his cheek.

“He’s down so bad,” Angel laughed, shoving three marshmallows on one stick, already having burnt 2/3 of them within 10 seconds by the fire, “it’s like, peak romance, Stolas. Next thing you know, it gets crazier. Like, flowers and stuff.”

“Blitzy already got me flowers,” Stolas said, co*cking his head at Angel, watching Blitz try to nonchalantly roast marshmallows while his heart was racing so hard. In silence, they’d probably be able to hear it. He was feeling grateful for the sounds of the gas running and the drunken conversations occurring all around him.

“Oh sh*t—“ Fizz gasped, hitting his stick against Blitz’s.

“f*ck off Fizz— do you mind? I’m trying to not burn Stolas’, unlike you.”

Fizz took his own, flaming and black, out of the fire and blowed hard, though needing Ozzie’s gust of breath on it to fully put it out. “You bought him flowers? Damn, you’re f*cking lovesick, B.”

“Kill. Your. Self.”

“No, I’m content with living. Thank you for the suggestion. Stolas— now, don’t mind me asking, what else did he get you? Now that we’re talking about Blitz and you,” he said, shrugging and doing a bad job at casually fishing for information. Blitz had been keeping it from him for a reason, only barely sating him on a daily basis while Fizz overshared the hell out of him and Ozzie. Not that he minded much at all.

Stolas hand a hand on the small of Blitz’s back, eyes still watching him carefully roast the marshmallow to a pretty golden brown. Slowly but surely, getting there. “It was quite romantic..well, there were the flowers and some chocolate. I can report the chocolate was good, Via and I enjoyed it deeply. Then— well, he got me books too.”

Fizz smirked, exchanging a look with Ozzie as he stuffed the burnt marshmallow in his mouth, licking his fingers. “Books, huh? Pretty thoughtful.”

“I thought so too! But the best part aside from that were the earrings. I even have them on now!” Stolas squealed, tucking his hair back behind both his ears and showing off the studs, “the ones in my second hole. Aren’t they cute? Aren’t they absolutely darling? Blitzy got them for me, I’m gonna cherish them forever.”

Blitz was going to lock himself away forever. It was beyond embarrassing.

No one, and Blitz meant no one, knew this side of him. Even if they knew of it, none experienced it.

Not friends, not exes. Just Stolas.

It was so embarrassing. “Pass the cookies, Oz,” Blitz grumbled, having perfected the marshmallow and sandwiched it between the cookies once Ozzie had given him two chocolate-chip ones.

It looked good but he wished it didn’t make him feel so uneasy.

He tried to hand it to Stolas but the guy just kept his hands behind himself and his mouth wide open.

“I’m trying to give it to you, Stols.”

“And I’m trying to play into the romance,” Stolas said, all drunkenly sing-songy, “c’mon, please.”

One please and a little desperation on his face was allegedly all it took Blitz now because Stolas had made him all soft and sh*t, easily giving into f*cking romance. Or whatever this was. He fed him a bite, thinking it was the end but nope; he ended up feeding him the whole damn thing.

At least it wasn’t sensual on top of romantic? That would’ve been Blitz’s final straw.

The worst part was that once Stolas finished it and Blitz was trying to compose himself, he went down on his fingers, licking off the bits of the chocolate chips and marshmallows that had stuck to his fingers. This f*cking guy. “You’re psycho, you know that?” He said, turning his head away and covering the side closest to Stolas with his hand, knowing he looked as flustered as he felt.

“It’s yummy, can’t I indulge?” Stolas said, licking his lips clean.

“Off my fingers after eating that whole thing?”

He shrugged, wiping Blitz’s fingers with a napkin and burning it in the fire promptly after. “Yes, now quit it. You know I am well aware you enjoy such things, Blitzy. Or perhaps not exactly that but I am aware,” Stolas said, holding Blitz’s face and turning it to him, “am I not doing it right? Cut me some slack, Blitzy, I’m trying.”

“No, no. It’s not that it’s—“ Blitz sighed, tensing, “you’re doing good, okay? I just think I’m not..—“ He didn’t have the words. Or maybe he did but just not the courage to say them aloud. That this was a lot for him? That he thought he was doing them good by not setting them up on a solely sexual foundation? That he was also just feeling like a wimp for not saying what they were because he didn’t know? That he didn’t know exactly what he wanted?

“Not what?” Stolas asked, all doe-eyed and sparkly.

“I think I’m just not in the mood.”

Stolas bit his lip, nodding his head and removing his hand before quickly slapping it over his own mouth. “Crap! You were being so good to me and checking in, I haven’t even done half the same for you, Blitz. Now, now, let’s go in,” he said, tugging him up by his hand and already starting their way in

When a few people shouted after them Stolas drunkenly mumbled something along the lines of, ‘we’ll be back’.

It was quieter once they’d gone into the guest bedroom, Stolas shutting the door and pressing back against it, just standing there while Blitz sat himself on the bed. He was becoming overly aware of his own breathing, how paced it was— how long had he been doing that, anyway?

“Are you alright, Blitzy?” Stolas said, sliding slowly down the door before pushing himself back up to a stance. A wobbly stance but still a stance, nonetheless.

“Probably just had too much to drink,” Blitz said, rubbing the side of his face and the centre of his chest, just trying to breathe. Breathing shouldn’t be so hard. But with Stolas gazing down at him, all sweet even with the haze of being drunk, it was proving to be a harder task then aforethought.

Tumbling on over, Stolas sat next to him— nearly sliding off the ledge but Blitz pushed him back up which only wound up with him falling back to lay on the bed, arms stretched up with him and that stupid hot turtle neck rode up. If he wasn’t trying to settle what felt like an almost anxiety attack.

“You are quite small, perhaps I should regulate you,” Stolas said, poking Blitz’s hip before tugging him down by his ear. Not unpleasant but definitely not hot either.

“I should regulate you, f*ckin’ lightweight,” Blitz said, voice drifting off at the end as he tried yet again to get ahold of his breathing. Stolas having dragged him back definitely did not do any positive to it.

Stolas turned over, resting his cheek on his palm. “How about this; you breathe and I’ll breathe. Mmhm?”

Blitz mirrored him, eyes on his lips, the soft parting with every breath. He tried to copy him to his best, blinking away the gloss over his eyes. Stolas made a show of his own breathing every so often, placing a hand at Blitz’s chest which seemed to help because within two minutes of that; he was feeling better and breathing just fine.

“Thank you,” he murmured, rubbing his hand against Stolas’ and giving it a light squeeze, making Stolas squirm just a little in his seat, “— pft, here I thought I’d be the one having to help you out here. f*ck.”

He drummed his fingers on Blitz’s chest, eyes wandering around aimlessly. “Once I’ve drunk enough, I’m basically invincible,” he shrugged, like it was some kind of superpower, “but you—“ he flopped onto his face, groaning as he moved back to his previous position, hand retracted from Blitz’s chest and his hand’s hold. “— not what I expected. You know everyone here, you’re here with me. I am curious if this is just natural or is something wrong?”

Why’d he have to be so spot on even when he was drunk? This f*cking guy, sh*t, he really liked him.

“I guess I have been worrying a bit since picking you up,” he mumbled, not realizing the words had come out at all until Stolas was pouting at him. He just had to fall for the cutest guy, huh? A face so cute if he had bodies to hide, he’d tell him where they were no question about it.

Stolas moved a little closer, resting his face against the bed opposed to his own hand. “What about, Blitz?”

“Uh…” he cleared his throat, trying to find words. Words, something— anything. Even a little lie would do but nothing came to him but the cold hard truth. “I’m just scared of our relationship. What it can be, what it is— I’m not even sure what it is, Stols.”

“Aah! Okay, that adds up. You seemed weird every time someone was suggesting something, I just thought you didn’t like the attention or I don’t know, actually—“ he paused, aware enough that that was not exactly what him or Blitz needed to go over. At the same time, Blitz was surprised Stolas had caught on to all of those. He thought he was sly but apparently he was anything but that. “We…this is new to me. I am quite content on just seeing where this goes or just being your boyfriend if that’s comfortable to you as well. We can’t predict anything even if we try to so I suppose it’s worth it to just go along with the universe.”

“I mean, I haven’t even taken you out on a real date yet. sh*t, I haven’t done a lot of relationship-y things with you. How can you know you even want me like that?”

“Right now? It feels right, I’m going with my gut. And no— not the s’more which was delicious by the way but I know what I want, Blitz. I want you, one way or another. Exclusively you,” he said, reaching over and touching his hair before delicately caressing his face like this was some sort of tender romance movie. Or the lead up to a really heartfelt p*rno.

“Exclusive, yeah. I’m— will you kill me if I say I’m not ready for the boyfriend title yet?” It felt as though it wasn’t too early but he just didn’t feel he deserved it yet. Stolas was his in some way but not yet like that.

“Totally okay with me, as long as we are only seeing each other.”

“That we are—“ he hadn’t been seeing anyone since he’d met him, really. Fizz didn’t count, that ship had sailed and was never going anywhere. Ever again, it barely had before in a way more than just being horny.

“Mm, good good. Lastly, before we go back if you’re ready to; how about a date?”

What kind of idiot would he be if he said no to Stolas’ drunken ass? Answer was; the world’s mammoth of an idiot.

Stamped - Chapter 5 - lucitinos (2024)
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Author: Nicola Considine CPA

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Author information

Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.